The inimitable global event features an intense, inventive one-day “Worldstars Boot Camp,” a full day of the most comprehensive entertainment educational training, seminars, and workshops given by renowned experts in the fields of modeling, acting, performing, singing, music and dancing exclusively provided to models and talent from around the world participating at WCOPA.
What you are going to experience at WorldStars Boot Camp is both amazing and extremely important in building a successful career in show business. WorldStars has brought together the top instructors/performers in Hollywood to train you in dance, acting, music and modeling. This is a once-in-a lifetime opportunity, so work hard and enjoy.
There are 4 training tracks you may choose from: Dance, Acting, Music and Modeling. You have the choice of taking workshops in different tracks or taking all the workshops in one particular track, whatever best suits your training needs.
There is no monetary value that can be assigned to this once-in-a-lifetime experience. You can only obtain this privileged opportunity at WCOPA. Get ready for some of the most valuable entertainment industry information and training ever provided! Note: Scheduling, speakers and topics are subject to change.
It is an honor to be part of the WorldStars Boot Camp and to have the opportunity to train the stars of tomorrow. BRAVO to you all!
Nancy Bianconi
Boot Camp Director
Here's a QUICK LOOK at our 2014 Boot Camp:
- 9:00AM - 10:30AM - Pasadena Room
"Hip Hop Moves and Attitude"
- 10:45AM - 12:15PM - Pasadena Room
"Hollywood's Latest Contemporary Dance Scene"
- 1:30PM - 3:00PM - Pasadena Room
"Mock Music Video Audition"
- 3:15PM - 4:45PM – Pasadena Room
"Musical Theatre Rehearsal"
- 9:00AM - 10:30AM – San Gabriel Room
“Acting for the Camera: The Journey from Stage to Screen”
- 10:45AM - 12:15PM - San Gabriel Room
“Audition Strategies: Landing the Role”
- 1:30PM - 3:00PM - San Gabriel Room
“The Business of the Business – Secrets to Be a Working Professional”
- 9:00AM - 10:30AM - Santa Anita Room
“Gaining Stardom in Your Country and Worldwide”
- 10:45AM - 12:15PM - Santa Anita Room
“A Long Lasting Career in the Recording, Television, Film and Concert Industries”
- 1:30PM - 3:00PM - Santa Anita Room
“Ten Aggressive Strategies for Success in the Modern Entertainment Business - PLUS Power Networking”
- 9:00AM - 10:30AM - Avalon Room
"Learn How to Work with Fashion Designers"
- 10:45AM - 12:15PM - Avalon Room
"Everything You Need to Know About the Modeling Business"
- 1:30PM - 3:00PM - Avalon Room
"Walking, Walking, Walking"
- 6:00PM - 6:45PM - Pasadena Room
“Learn How to Audition for a Dance Career - Practical Audition Skills”
- 7:00PM - 7:45PM - Pasadena Room
“Auditioning for a Singing Role on the Broadway Stage”
- 8:00PM - 8:45PM - Pasadena Room
“Rules of the Jungle: Survival in the Music Business Wilderness”
- 6:00PM - 6:45PM - San Gabriel Room
“Kids and Teens in Show Biz: Anything and Everything You Need to Know”
- 7:00PM - 7:45PM - San Gabriel Room
"What a True Actor Needs"
- 8:00PM - 8:45PM - San Gabriel Room
"Easiest Way to Get Discovered in the Film and TV Industry”
- 6:00PM - 6:45PM - Avalon Room
“How to Survive (and Thrive) at an Audition”
- 7:00PM thru 8:45PM - Avalon Room
"Calling All Models"
Prêt à vivre une aventure artistique et humaine hors du commun ? Vous lancer dans une carrière internationale ? Allez décrocher les étoiles à Hollywood ?!
Participez au concours Révélation des Étoiles - sélections nationales du WCOPA, World Championships of Performing Arts, JO des Talents à Hollywood !
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Participez aux sélections nationales du WCOPA, World Championships of Performing Arts – WORLDSTARS HOLLYWOOD 2017 !
Adrien Pelon, France - 2014 Senior Grand Champion Instrumentalist,
Gold Medalist and Overall Champion Variety Song ---> Adrien Pelon
La directrice Anastasia du gigantesque concours WCOPA nous livre ses conseils pour réussir un casting !